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the recital


The Paula Davey Dance School has provided students with an exciting performance experience through its April recital since 1988 years. It’s a chance to shine in front of family and friends that they anticipate with nervous excitement.


The recital offers our students a professionally directed performance that allows them to present to their families and friends the results of a year’s hard work, dedication, and progress.


A big part of the dance training process includes learning through performance. The experience helps build self-esteem, self-assurance, and contributes to a sense of confidence.


The rehearsal process is a tremendous learning experience as well. It helps the children develop retention skills, and by working with their classmates on a group performance, they learn the positive aspects of working as a team to create the best end result.


Dedication to recital commitments is the responsibility of both students and their parents. I’ve created this handbook to in an effort to clarify what we expect from you in terms of commitments and responsibilities to the annual recital.


The annual dance recital will take place at Northern College (Last weekend of April). All students will have the opportunity to participate and will gain valuable stage experience and confidence.


The rehearsal allows the students to become familiar with the auditorium surroundings and feel comfortable with their performance, costume(s), and being on stage.


Participation in the rehearsal is mandatory.


Lighting, music cues, and all other logistics for an organized and professional performance are also rehearsed so that the students can also understand what is going on when they are on stage.


Dates & Location

For ALL recital dates, details and location, please refer to our Schedule and Events page

Schedules & Events



We order costumes every other year to help keep expenses down. Costumes are ordered from a U.S. company. Therefore costumes must be paid by November of the costume year. Costumes are manufactured and not handmade. (If they were handmade, they would be MUCH more expensive.) Adjustments to your Childs costume may have to be made at your expense.


Costume fees range from $85.00 - $100. A newsletter will be handed out to all students with ordering instructions and exact costume amount for your Childs class. 




Almost everyone at some point has been at our facility. The parking is in the back along with a main entrance.

This main entrance is NOT the entrance we wish to have guests arrive through.  

You may enter through the front of the building.

There is also another entrance located in the back of the building just off the left side. The entrance will bring you right to the front where the ticket takers will be.


We ask everyone for his or her cooperation and please do not use the DANCERS ONLY hallway. This is for our children’s safety.


We also ask that no one use the 2 exit doors leading into this hallway. Please enter and exit through the main doors located at the back of the theatre. Again this is for the safety of our dancers. 

I am thanking you in advance for your co-operation to making the recital evenings enjoyable for everyone. 

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