Staggered class times will limit the number of people entering/exiting the building at one time.
New this year, two entrances will be available. Please ensure you know which entrance to use.
Parents/guardians are to wait outside/in their vehicle with dancers until (3-5 minutes before class).
Only registered dancers may enter the building. Parents/guardians are to wait outside the building (with the exception of dancers 6 and under – no other family members may enter).
All people entering the building must wear a mask and sanitize prior to entry.
Any person experiencing any of the symptoms outlined below are not to enter the building:
New onset of cough
Worsening chronic cough
Shortness of breath
Difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Difficulty swallowing
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
Unexplained fatigue/malaise/muscle aches
Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Nasal congestion without other known cause
Decreased sense of taste/smell
Belongings must be placed at the dancer's designated "My Stuff" space, or kept with the parent/guardian outside of the studio.
Masks are mandatory in the entrances, lobby, washrooms and waiting areas. The dancers may remove their masks once placed in the 6 foot box and ready to dance.
Physical distancing will be enforced by floor markers in common areas.
The lobby and waiting area will be closed to parents/guardians except to those with dancers 6 and under – no other family members may accompany the parent/guardian or dancer.
Dancers 7 years and older may use the waiting room between classes but are encouraged to wait with their parent/guardian outside or in their vehicle. Students with back to back classes are expected to stay in the studio.
Our schedule will allow for 5-minute sanitization periods between classes.
Surfaces in common areas will be sanitized regularly. Hand sanitizer will be available.
Dancers are encouraged to use bathrooms before entering the building. Bathrooms in the buildings are to be used for emergencies only. They will be sanitized regularly.
Class sizes will be determined by a strict classroom capacity that allows for physical distancing.
Parents and Guardians of dancers ages 6 and under may come inside for pickup. Only one person per dancer is allowed.
All other students are expected to meet their parent or guardian outside safetly and during the designated time, monitored by the teacher.