the studio
We are dedicated to inspiring a new generation to love dance and life.Our passion is helping children to be the best they can be. We will provide the highest standard of instruction and care. It is a privilege to be entrusted with their training. In addition to classical technique, students will receive the gift of self-confidence; learn the grace and style, which is a result from performing to one’s personal best, self esteem and dignity which will enhance their quality of life. Our main interest is in developing good techniques, self-esteem, energy levels and quality of dance. Our warmth, discipline and pure love of the dance continue to inspire young people. The studio is a positive atmosphere for kids to have fun and be encouraged to grow technically as well as personally.
TINY TOTS (ages 3-4)First year is a special introduction to dance, which includes simple ballet, tap and jazz steps... read more
PRE-DANCE (ages 4-5)First year is a special introduction to dance, which includes simple ballet, tap and jazz steps... read more
TAP-JAZZ (ages 4-7)This is a wonderful class meant for students to get 20 minutes of tap training and 20 minutes of jazz.
CLASSICAL BALLET (age 5+)It is a classic dance form with specific terminology, technique and choreography... read more
POINTE (age 11+)Classical ballet class is required prior to enrolling in Pointe class... read more
TAP (age 5+)Tap dancing uses various music types and counting technique... read more
JAZZ (age 5+)Enter your answer here
HIP-HOP (age 4+)Hip hop uses sharp, energetic, multi-layered isolations, and facilitates the range of motion... read more
All BOYS HIP HOPThis brand new class is designed to teach boys the basics of hip hop rhythm... read more
MUSICAL THEATRE (age 8+)Is a dance that utilizes all forms of dance that depends on time, place and script needs... read more
ACROBATICS (age 5+)This class consists of gymnastics, balancing, tumbling and basic contortion combined with jazz and ballet dance technique... read more
COMPETITIVE (ages 5-18)Our competitive dancers must train in ballet, tap and jazz every year. They also have the opportunity to expand their dance education in lyrical, musical theatre, contemporary and hiphop. To join the competitive team, dancers must audition in the spring before their competing year. Please contact our office for more information
Miss Paula
"We are dedicated to inspiring a new generation to love dance and life.
I would like to take this time to welcome you to the PDDS family. I want my students to realize they can do anything if they set their minds to it and that anyone who always tries their best is a “winner”. I want my students to gain in self-confidence, grow creatively, and understand the importance of respect for one another. I want my studio to be a place where great friendships and beautiful memories could be made, where every single student could feel important among their peers, and where students would truly care for one another."
Head Instructors
Recreational & Competitive
Dance Instructor
Dominique has an Advance Diploma in Interior Design with a certificate in kitchen and bath design from Georgian College. She is a PDDS alumni, having danced for 11 years in which 9 of them were spent as a valuable member of the Davey Dynamik Competitive Team